Ravens Inline Hockey present their 19th annual Senior inline hockey tournament for 2023.
We appreciate the large number of teams who have committed to attend. The number of games and timing for each day will be listed here and available at the rink over the event.
The National Premier League is now part of this event, Ravens are hosting Round Two.
Update May 31 ( game 31 and 37 swapped).
We are pleased to be able to provide a prize for the winning Premier team in association with Revision Hockey who have provided an 8-set of wheels to each team player.
Due to the timing and number of teams entered all games will follow the following time format.
- Game Time: 16 minute halves (running time)
- Half Time: 2 minutes (reduced if too much time is lost after day one)
- Time-Out: One time-out per team per game (also reviewed if running late)
- Puck: IDS Black
- Game numbers 39, 45, 46, 47, 58 - 62 All require a result (overtime will occur if a draw)
- Scheduling is subject to change (notified on noticebaord at rink or by email if prior to start of event
- All warm up time to use the adjacent rink venue.